Free Shipping Across the Entire Environmental Range
Customs Clearance
AEO certified
Heyn Shipping has received Authorised Economic Operator Status by HM Revenue & Customs and has customs clearance facilities with direct DTI links to HM Customs and Excise for fast, efficient clearance for import and export documentation and requirements. Whether shipping by sea, air, or road our team will help reduce the risk of delays or penalties.
AEO- European CommissionOur shipping services team will handle all aspects of importation, exportation, gateway customs, and clearance to offer fast, efficient freight movement for a complete end-to-end service.
They can provide expert advice on:
- Import/Export entries, C88 the Single Administrative Document (SAD)
- Tariff Codes
- Trade with other EU Members
- Deferring payment of customs charges
- Customs Freight Simplified Procedures (CFSP)
- Inward Processing Relief (IPR)
- Processing under Customs Control (PCC)
- End-use Relief
- Temporary importation relief